Excellence is Not An Event

September 18, 2014 by  

This is the thought that I want each of us to focus on this week. You see, excellence is not a one time event or periodical occurrence. On the contrary it is something that is purposeful and intentional. Excellence demands that we don’t put out an average effort and try to masquerade it as our best or an acceptable representation of what you are able to produce. Even a blind squirrel can find a nut every once in a while; and even people who don’t put out their best may stumble into a good result from time to time. But that is not excellence, it is luck or circumstance, and you can rest assured that the positive results won’t be sustainable until each of us purpose in our hearts to raise the bar in our own lives. So my challenge for you this week it to make excellence the example in your life and not the exception in your life. I look forward to your thoughts and seeing how this next week works out for you. Talk to you soon and never forget that greatness lives in you.